Ultrasonic examination is a method of testing materials using sound waves to find defects in materials. This can be done through either or both sides of an object or even on one side only when the opposite side is inaccessible. Testing is important for many types of materials to go through to find defects, cracks, or corrosion that may need to be repaired.
There are three primary methods of ultrasonic examination. We will answer the following questions:
What is Through Transmission Testing?
What is Pulse Echo Testing?
What is Resonance Testing?
Through Transmission
Through Transmission Testing is a method that uses two transducers placed on opposite ends of whatever is being tested. One creates a pulse, and the other transducer receives it. If the pulse is interrupted, the person testing it will detect a defect between the two transducers.
Pulse Echo
Pulse Echo Testing is a method of ultrasonic examination that is more sensitive than through transmission. It’s used to identify defects while measuring the time it takes amplitude signals to travel to different surfaces in whatever is being tested. It is more accurate than the Through Transmission method.
Resonance Testing
The Resonance Testing method is more similar to using the pulse echo method, with the exception that, with resonance testing, the regularity of the transmission can be altered and changed. Resonance testing is often used when just one side of any given material can be accessed. This makes resonance testing an important option when in this one-sided scenario.
Ultrasonic testing methods are frequently used to detect flaws and weaknesses in things such as wind turbines, large storage tanks, and flare stacks. Some of the industries where you can expect one of the three ultrasonic testing methods include aerospace, railroads, electronics, batteries, the automotive industry, power generation, gas and oil industries, and metal casting, among others.
Ultrasonic testing equipment is often easy to use and care for. Some, though, can be quite specialized and may require a third-party technician to operate and analyze the test results. Some companies will hire UT technicians to demonstrate the use of testing equipment and teach the company employees how to operate the UT equipment so they can test their products themselves in the future.
Ultrasonic testing is essential in many industries that require the quality of their products to be at the highest levels. Through transmission testing, pulse echo testing, and resonance testing ensure that standards are met and that flaws are detected and repaired.